Entity Standardization

The following items have been either resolved (D#) or added to (F#) Nexsure. Click the Video icon to view the instructional video that details the changes to Nexsure.

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Item # Nexsure Version Category Subtopic Description of Change Video
F3092 1.92.5 Entities Financial Entity, Retail Agent, Premium Finance Co., Vendor, Tax Authority Update, Save, Clear, and Cancel links have been re-ordered to meet to user interface standards.
F3093 1.92.5 Entities Financial Entity, Retail Agent, Premium Finance Co., Vendor, Tax Authority Contact heading label of Primary has been added to the contact summary screens.
F3094 1.92.5 Tax Authority States Tax Authority > state tab: States now show in alpha order when added.
F3095 1.92.5 Entities Financial Entity, Retail Agent, Premium Finance Co., Vendor, Tax Authority Contacts are now displayed with the primary at the top of the list. The other contacts are in alphabetical order. This list was previously displayed in order entered.
F3096 1.92.5 Entities Financial Entity, Retail Agent, Premium Finance Co., Vendor, Tax Authority A Cancel link has been added to the entity name tabs.